Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's been 1 month

It's so crazy to think that one month around this time was the last time I saw you in person.  It was around 10:30pm that we were told you were going to die.  I will never for as long I live forget those words that broke my heart and changed my life forever. 
Today started off not much different than any other.  Girlie was hiding in the bathroom sink in a bubble bath out of mini marshmallows.  Kennedy was so excited to find her.  It took her a few minutes while she was brushing her teeth to notice her in the right hand sink. 
I had parent/teacher conferences.  You know that's my least favorite day of the school year.  I don't like talking to parents and for most of them it's just a run down of the kids academics.  The 2 boys that I have behavior issues with the parents didn't want to hear about it.  One of the dads laughed and told me his kid was a hellion!  Um....no kidding!  A lot of the parents told me they were sorry for my loss.  I just said thank you but I wanted to start balling.  I know I saw this in every message but I just miss you.  I drive home from school everyday and I don't have anyone to talk to.  You would listen to me complain about school, the kids, Jay, my girls or basically anything.  I lost my best friend and sometimes I find myself talking to you in my head.  I hope you can hear me.
I didn't get out of school until 7:40pm and then I went to Judy's for the Christmas Klub party.  My secret pal was Stephanie and she gave me some owl school things, a scarf and an owl ornament.  The kids at school with love it.  I reminded Courtney on Sunday about Klub but she forgot.  She says she must have dementia...haha!  Aunt Betty and I were talking about her helping Dad out with office stuff and then she was talking about how Uncle Bob cleaned out all of Aunt Lisa's things.  I said dad wasn't ready for that yet.  I don't want dad to have a shrine for you but I just can't imagine getting rid of your things.  I want to leave it all there in hopes you will come back.  I started crying and Aunt Betty felt bad.  She always feels bad when I cry but I just miss you so much that sometimes all I can do is cry.  I miss my life with you.  I honestly don't know who I am or what I'm doing sometimes without you.  I don't know how I get through my day.  I must just go through the motions.  Some people don't understand when I say that to them but there are days I get to the afternoon and don't even remember the morning. 
It's funny that as I write this it turns 11:11.  Maureen Hancock said something about 11:11.  I always remember 11:11 was time to make a wish.  I used to wish for you to get better and now I wonder what I should wish for.  I know I won't get the one with I want and that's for you to come back.  So sometimes I wish for people I miss to come back in my life, other times I wish to be happy again, and sometimes I can't even think of something I want more than you.  I remember when you were in the hospital and we were all at the camper and it turned 11:11 and Courtney yelled to make a wish.  I knew we all wished for you.  It makes me sad that all our prayers and wishes didn't come true.  We tried really hard.

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