Saturday, November 16, 2013

4 Weeks

Today marks 4 weeks since I got the phone call that my parents had been in a motorcycle accident.  I remember hearing Jay say, "shit" when he looked at his phone.  I rolled over and looked at my phone and saw many missed calls from my dad and sister Courtney.  When I finally spoke to my dad he was crying and said him and mom had been in an accident.  I remember falling to my knees in my bedroom and crying that I couldn't lose my mom.  Courtney booked plane tickets and the four of us flew to Daytona to be with my mom and dad.  We all cried all day.  When we got to the hospital we walked into the trauma ward, went to the desk and when we turned to our left we saw her.  Mom was laying in a room, with tubes in her mouth, coming from her head, her arms and it seemed like everywhere.  I felt sick.  We then found my dad.  He was staying in the conference room next to my mom.  His jeans were ripped, he had dried blood all over his face and in his hair and a black eye.  When we walked in he started crying...we all started crying.  This was the beginning of our nightmare.

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