Saturday, November 23, 2013

Craft Fair was the Mother's Club craft fair at Middleboro High School.  Courtney had text me this week asking about going.  At first I didn't know if I wanted to go without you but I'm trying really hard to keep doing things we enjoyed.  Court and Cayd met us at dance and we went there together.  On the way in Courtney told me Dad had a hard time yesterday.  He went for a drink with John (boyfriend) and when she called him to ask him over for dinner he seemed sad.  When he got to her house he sat in his truck and cried.  He kept saying he didn't want to be alone and he was sorry.  It's so hard to see him like that and know how sad he is.  We all miss you so much and it's so hard.  People ask us all the time how we are doing and sometimes all I say is, "It sucks".  People say they can't imagine what we are going through and I don't think they can if they have never lost their mom. 
But....back to the craft fair.  Kennedy got so much stuff!  They had a ton of bows and headbands like usual.  One of the vendors had an Izzy, Sofia the First, Monster's Inc and Minnie bows.  So of course she was in heaven and had to get all of them.  She also got a Hello Kitty clip, one that is shaped like a puppy, Minnie and a picture of a horse (it was $20 but she was so excited and you weren't there so I just said screw it and bought it for her).  We were in and out of there in like 20 minutes.  Without you talking to everyone that you knew it was a quick trip.  The lady that makes all the wood things we like was there.  Her husband wasn't though!!  Bummer right?!?  Courtney bought something from her but I decided to refrain since I already have so much stuff from her.  It was so strange going without you.  It still doesn't seem like it's reality yet.
I look at your pictures and just long to see you again.  I miss your smile, your fake laugh, and you calling me Erron. 

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